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Dried pea soup

A delicious snack for cold weather


(for 4 portions)

80 to 100 g dried peas
1 - 2 litre water, a little stock to taste
1 grated carrot
1 chopped onion
1/2 finely chopped leek
1 to 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic
1 to 2 grated raw potatoes
1 bayleaf
2 cloves
150 g genuine Bündnerfleisch, raw ham or bacon, diced (or Bündnerfleisch Julienne)
1 cup croutons
Fresh chives
Salt and pepper


(Preparation time: 30 minutes, method takes: approx. 2 hours )
  • Briefly stew the finely diced meat with the chopped onions and put to one side.
  • Put the vegetable on the stove, cold, and add the cloves, the bayleaf and a little stock. Season with a little salt and pepper.
  • After approx. one hour, add the stewed cubes of meat and allow to cook slowly for another 1 to 2 hours.
  • Remove the cloves and the bayleaf before serving.
  • Fry the croutons in butter and scatter over the soup together with the finely chopped herbs.

Serve with fresh, home-made bread.